Relative Humidity Sensor
- ± 4.5 % RH (maximum @ 20–80% RH)
Temperature Sensor
- ±0.5 ºC accuracy (typical)
Excellent long term stability
- ±1 ºC accuracy (maximum @ 0 to 70 °C) 0 to 100% RH operating range
–40 to +85 ºC (GM) or 0 to +70 ºC operating range (FM)
Wide operating voltage range (2.1 to 3.6 V)
Low Power Consumption
- 240 μA during RH conversion
I2C host interface
Integrated on-chip heater
Factory calibrated
Optional factory-installed cover
- Low-profile
- Protection during reflow
- Excludes liquids and Particulates (hydrophobic/oleophobic)
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